What are the top industries that use reviews?

What are the top industries that use reviews? According to the 2019 Local Consumer Survey, 76% of people trust online reviews as much or more than recommendations from family and friends. Reviews are undoubtedly a critical and functional tool for potential customers...

¿Cuáles son las principales industrias que utilizan reseñas?

¿Cuáles son las principales industrias que utilizan reseñas? Según el estudio Local Consumer Survey 2019, el 76% de las personas confía en las reseñas en línea tanto o más que las recomendaciones de familiares y amigos. Las reseñas son sin duda una herramienta crítica...

What do consumers do after reading positive reviews?

What do consumers do after reading positive reviews? According to North American studies, 90% of consumers used the Internet to find a local business in the last year. Did you know, for example, that an average consumer reads 10 reviews before feeling able to trust a...

Why do people click on ads for local services?

Why do people click on ads for local services? Most people who search on Google don’t go beyond the first page of the results. This is why it’s very important that local businesses qualify for the search if they want to attract potential customers and grow their...